The University of Basra organizes an online workshop about time management

The for and The Continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra organized workshop about time management.

 The workshop aims to provide the participants with information and knowledge related to time management, and focus on providing participants with new skills, developing their skills and abilities, and refining them

So, they are able to manage time and work effectively and in quality.

 The workshop was presented by The teacher, Abbas Ali Muhammad included the concept of time and its importance in general, and time management in particular, and shed light on the concept of time analysis, and clarification of what is meant by the waste of time, its most important causes and how to deal with it.  To reduce its disadvantages on time management, focus on the concept of time planning and its importance, and clarify how, or the best method for formulating the goals that we seek to achieve, through the planning process and focusing in detail on optimal methods and methods related to prioritization and business allocation.

 At the end workshop, the recommendation was to invest what was dealt with and focus on concepts, and realistic examples, to apply them to the practical reality of managers and Staff at their various organizational levels in a way that reflects positively on the quality of time management and its effectiveness in their lives in general, and their career in particular