Basra University Holds a Lecture on Research Methodology for the Eighth Unit of the Teaching Methods Course for the Humanities


The Center for Development and Continuing Education at Basra University held a lecture on research methodology for the eighth unit of the updated teaching methods curriculum for the southern region, focusing on the humanities. The lecture aimed to explain the correct scientific standards for organizing and conducting scientific research, as well as to introduce the methodology of scientific research and the steps for writing a research paper.


The lecture, presented by Dr. Khadija Sami Madi, a professor at the College of Medicine at Basra University, covered the definition of scientific research, the types of research methodologies, the standards of scientific research, and the steps for writing a research paper.


In conclusion, the lecture recommended the continued provision of training courses on research methodology for educators and higher education professors based on their needs, as well as the persistent efforts of researchers to enrich knowledge with scientific advancements.