The University of Basra organizes an online workshop about respect for human rights

The continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra organized an online workshop about

human rights and the administrative leader's role in that (the message of Imam Ali, to the Malik Al- Ashtar as an example) in light of the 2002 United Nations Development Program report choosing the government of Imam (PBUH) as the best country in the aspect of human rights.

 The workshop aims to provide the participants with the leadership skills needed to take on managerial positions.

 The workshop was presented by Dr. Nidaa Al-Yasiri, Director of The continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra included several commandments of Imam Ali (PBUH)for his military representative in Egypt, Malik Al-Ashter of the , as well as discussing a great aphorism of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, while addressing the people of Kufa (If you leave you without my original belongibgs, my horses and my boy, I would be a traitor) and that  leadership is a responsibility, not a  privilege, to higglight the leadership principles in the wills related to how to administer, respect human rights, build decisions on advice, fight financial and administrative corruption, and achieve the supreme interests of the state