The continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra


   concludes its international conference to assess the work of the centers in light of the era of digital transformation              The Continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra. today ended the activities of its first virtual conference titled (Development and Education are Power for the Individual and Society in the era of Digital Transformation), which was held in cooperation with the platform ( Arid), which includes a group of Arabic-speaking academics in Malaysian universities with the support of the College of Administration and Economics.

Regarding the conference sessions, the Director of the Center, Dr. Nidaa Muhammad Al-Yasir, said, “For two couple consecutive days, with the participation of about (35) researchers from various Iraqi and Malaysian universities, for an analysis of the mechanisms and work programs of The Continuing Education Centers for all Iraqi universities and technique  of dealing with the transformations of digital life since  the first wave of the Corona epidemic early last year starting to identify the weaknesses and strengths in the performance of these centers and compare them with their foreign counterparts, especially Malaysia, the exclusive partner of our conference.” The most prominent results of the research presented at the conference, the head of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Saeed Jassim Al-Asadi, said, “Researchers in the organizational and assessment part of the work of the continuing education centers which spread throughout Iraqi universities to necessity transform them into directorates under which all other training places in the university, and to adopt those centers have a mission, vision, and work program documented with evidence showing the mechanisms for achieving their objectives, responsibilities and organizational structure, as well as the need to reduce administrative routine and give managers widely powers to updated with the training the various segments of society and provide a rich physical environment with all training requirements. Al-Asadi added - on the legislative side, the researchers emphasize the necessity to fill the legislative deficiency in the work of the centers by supporting them with legal legislation to clarifies how to manage their earnings and the size of their contract with trainers and activate Article (1010) of Law No. (40) for the year (1988) amended, which declares That the university, college, scientific research center and higher institutes associated with the university have (legal personality), financial and administrative independence, and the necessary legal capacity to achieve its objective and manage its affairs through an advisory council, to provide these legislations clarify the links of The Continuing Education units spread in all university faculties with the mother center technically and administratively.

 For his part, the attendees expressed their optimism about the results and the size of the government response to their recommendations after they were transmitted to the concerned authorities, emphasizing the continuation of the approach to developing the skills of graduates and raising the time limit for training for them to include (90) hours for graduates of non-educational colleges and (45) hours for graduates of educational colleges and the same for the development the teachers During the service of graduates of non-

educational colleges.     

News report / Atheer
