The University of Basra organizes a course about “Employee Rights and Duties

The continuing education and Development Center at the University of Basra organized a course about “Employee Rights and Duties”.

 The objectives of the course are to develop the capabilities of State Staff and acquaint them with what is imposed on them by law towards the state and individuals, and their rights, whether material or immaterial.

The course which was presented by Dr. Muz'hir Abdel-Sada Hunayen included the definition of the public office, the rights, and duties of the employee according to the Civil Service Laws No. (24) of 1960 and No. (14) of 1991 in general, indicating the definition of rights and their material types and the extent to which they are affected by the imposed penalties and duties. imposed by the law on the employee. The course also dealt with the relationship of the job with the environment in all aspects, and aimed to encourage them to express their opinion about the problems that impede the performance of the employees , as well as their proposals to solve these errors and correct the course.

At the end of the course, the presenter recommended presenting more courses to encrease the employees' awareness